This catalogue is the first attempt to catalogue the artist's work.
As such, it is known to be incomplete. If you have some of her work, or know of some, then please contact me.
She worked mostly in pastels, but also produced many fine oils and watercolours. It is possible that this collection does not reflect the balance of the formats - she may have sold/given away more oils or watercolours.
Names assigned to the paintings are assigned with the following priority:
"Title" - quoted text indicates a title assigned by the artist, location or person name, general description. I have given each one a unique identifier of the form GMT_###. At some point I may add artwork from her mother or other close relatives, they would have a different prefix - eg ASR (for her mother, Annie Salter Redmayne).
Coming in 2025 - additional artwork, reloading of existing content at a higher resolution, correction of colours (where needed). In preparation for all this there may be some changes to the naming and presentation in this gallery.
Mark T. White, November, 2023.
Gladys was my Maternal Grandmother.
For more on my background please visit my photography website.