A collection of her known Pastel and Charcoal creations. This will be expanded to include some more of her early work as more is discovered.

Beaver Lodge, 17" x 13" GMT 004 . Date: 1956? Painted for her grandson, Mark. Compare to Beaver Site In Winter (GMT 005) painted in oil.

Diana On Beach, GMT 006. 1953.

Mary, Diana, Nicolas, Mark On Beach , GMT 007. Compare to Oil GMT 063.

Pete , 12" x 15" GMT 019.

Immigration (2), 11" x 14" ? GMT 013. (Incomplete?)

Immigration (3) , 20" x 16" GMT 014.

Aunwabe Cottage, 10" x 13" GMT 024.

Bay, GMT 025.

Beach, 10" x 7.5" GMT 026.

Boat Dock , 18" x 12" GMT 027.

Boats On Grassy Shore , 17" x 12" GMT 028. 1959? There is some water damage (damp).

Flowers In Jug, 19" x 21" GMT 030.

Bowl Of Flowers (1) , 17" x 12" GMT 031. There is another painting on the back - see Houses And Trees, GMT 038.

Bowl Of Flowers (2), 17" x 21" GMT 032.

Crane, 11.5" x 16" GMT 033.

Dockside, 10" x 7.5" GMT 034.

Farmland, 19" x 14" GMT 035. 1954.

"Fox Point Trip", 10" x 6.5" GMT 036.

House In Cove, 10" x 7.5" GMT 037. 1952.

Houses And Trees , 17" x 12" GMT 038. This is on the back of Bowl Of Flowers (1), GMT 031. It is also smudged in the centre.

Kings College Chapel, 9" x 6.5" GMT 039. Dalhousie?

Lighthouse And Bay , GMT 040.

Lighthouse And Ships, 13" x 9.5" GMT 041.

Morrow Garden At Quinn Street , 15.5" x 12" GMT 042 . 1956 - 60?

"October Finery", 9.5" x 12" GMT 043. Label on back gives title and: Price $30, Gladys M. Thorne, 1550 Vernon St., Halifax.

"Old Houses, Halifax", 14" x 11" GMT 044 . Compare this with "Old Houses, Halifax, N.S." , GMT 045 - they are definitely the same place.

"Old Houses, Halifax, N.S." , 9" x 11" GMT 045. 1952? Compare this with "Old Houses, Halifax", GMT 044 - they are definitely the same place. Label on back gives title and "N.S. Society of Artists Annual Exhibition 1952".

"Otter Harbour, C.B.", 11" x 7.5" GMT 046.

Rocky Coast - Blue Rocks? 15" x 12" GMT 047.

Shoreline, 24" x 18" GMT 049.

Small Boats At Low Tide, 6.5" x 8" GMT 050.

"Sudden Storm", 13" x 13" GMT 051. 1955.

Tree On Rocky Bay , 15" x 12" GMT 052. Address on back is 17 Waegwoltic.

"Parsboro", 9" x 5" GMT 060 .

Sailor, 14" x 10.5" GMT 048.

Woman In Fur, 11.5" x 17.5" GMT 059. 1907 Signed As: G. Redmayne.