A collection of her known Pastel and Charcoal creations. This will be expanded to include some more of her early work as more is discovered.
Beaver Lodge, 17" x 13" GMT 004 . Date: 1956? Painted for her grandson, Mark. Compare to Beaver Site In Winter  (GMT 005) painted in oil.
Beaver Lodge, 17" x 13" GMT 004 . Date: 1956? Painted for her grandson, Mark. Compare to Beaver Site In Winter (GMT 005) painted in oil.
Diana On Beach, GMT 006. 1953.
Diana On Beach, GMT 006. 1953.
Mary, Diana, Nicolas, Mark On Beach , GMT 007. Compare to Oil GMT 063.
Mary, Diana, Nicolas, Mark On Beach , GMT 007. Compare to Oil GMT 063.
Pete , 12" x 15" GMT 019.
Pete , 12" x 15" GMT 019.
Immigration (2),  11" x 14" ? GMT 013. (Incomplete?)
Immigration (2), 11" x 14" ? GMT 013. (Incomplete?)
Immigration (3) ,  20" x 16"  GMT 014.
Immigration (3) , 20" x 16" GMT 014.
Aunwabe Cottage, 10" x 13" GMT 024.
Aunwabe Cottage, 10" x 13" GMT 024.
Bay, GMT 025.
Bay, GMT 025.
Beach, 10" x 7.5" GMT 026.
Beach, 10" x 7.5" GMT 026.
Boat Dock , 18" x 12" GMT 027.
Boat Dock , 18" x 12" GMT 027.
Boats On Grassy Shore , 17" x 12" GMT 028. 1959?  There is some water damage (damp).
Boats On Grassy Shore , 17" x 12" GMT 028. 1959? There is some water damage (damp).
Flowers In Jug, 19" x 21" GMT 030.
Flowers In Jug, 19" x 21" GMT 030.
Bowl Of Flowers (1) , 17" x 12" GMT 031. There is another painting on the back - see Houses And Trees, GMT 038.
Bowl Of Flowers (1) , 17" x 12" GMT 031. There is another painting on the back - see Houses And Trees, GMT 038.
Bowl Of Flowers (2), 17" x 21" GMT 032.
Bowl Of Flowers (2), 17" x 21" GMT 032.
Crane, 11.5" x 16" GMT 033.
Crane, 11.5" x 16" GMT 033.
Dockside, 10" x 7.5" GMT 034.
Dockside, 10" x 7.5" GMT 034.
Farmland, 19" x 14" GMT 035. 1954.
Farmland, 19" x 14" GMT 035. 1954.
"Fox Point Trip", 10" x 6.5" GMT 036.
"Fox Point Trip", 10" x 6.5" GMT 036.
House In Cove, 10" x 7.5" GMT 037. 1952.
House In Cove, 10" x 7.5" GMT 037. 1952.
Houses And Trees , 17" x 12" GMT 038. This is on the back of Bowl Of Flowers (1), GMT 031. It is also smudged in the centre.
Houses And Trees , 17" x 12" GMT 038. This is on the back of Bowl Of Flowers (1), GMT 031. It is also smudged in the centre.
Kings College Chapel, 9" x 6.5" GMT 039. Dalhousie?
Kings College Chapel, 9" x 6.5" GMT 039. Dalhousie?
Lighthouse And Bay , GMT 040.
Lighthouse And Bay , GMT 040.
Lighthouse And Ships, 13" x 9.5" GMT 041.
Lighthouse And Ships, 13" x 9.5" GMT 041.
Morrow Garden At Quinn Street , 15.5" x 12" GMT 042 . 1956 - 60?
Morrow Garden At Quinn Street , 15.5" x 12" GMT 042 . 1956 - 60?
"October Finery",  9.5" x 12" GMT 043. Label on back gives title and:  Price $30, Gladys M. Thorne, 1550 Vernon St., Halifax.
"October Finery", 9.5" x 12" GMT 043. Label on back gives title and: Price $30, Gladys M. Thorne, 1550 Vernon St., Halifax.
"Old Houses, Halifax",  14" x 11" GMT 044 . Compare this with "Old Houses, Halifax, N.S." , GMT 045 - they are definitely the same place.
"Old Houses, Halifax", 14" x 11" GMT 044 . Compare this with "Old Houses, Halifax, N.S." , GMT 045 - they are definitely the same place.
"Old Houses, Halifax, N.S." , 9" x 11" GMT 045. 1952?  Compare this with "Old Houses, Halifax",  GMT 044 - they are definitely the same place. Label on back gives title and  "N.S. Society of Artists Annual Exhibition 1952".
"Old Houses, Halifax, N.S." , 9" x 11" GMT 045. 1952? Compare this with "Old Houses, Halifax", GMT 044 - they are definitely the same place. Label on back gives title and "N.S. Society of Artists Annual Exhibition 1952".
"Otter Harbour, C.B.", 11" x 7.5" GMT 046.
"Otter Harbour, C.B.", 11" x 7.5" GMT 046.
Rocky Coast - Blue Rocks? 15" x 12" GMT 047.
Rocky Coast - Blue Rocks? 15" x 12" GMT 047.
Shoreline, 24" x 18" GMT 049.
Shoreline, 24" x 18" GMT 049.
Small Boats At Low Tide, 6.5" x 8" GMT 050.
Small Boats At Low Tide, 6.5" x 8" GMT 050.
"Sudden Storm",  13" x 13" GMT 051. 1955.
"Sudden Storm", 13" x 13" GMT 051. 1955.
Tree On Rocky Bay , 15" x 12" GMT 052. Address on back is 17 Waegwoltic.
Tree On Rocky Bay , 15" x 12" GMT 052. Address on back is 17 Waegwoltic.
"Parsboro", 9" x 5"  GMT 060 .
"Parsboro", 9" x 5" GMT 060 .
Sailor,  14" x 10.5" GMT 048.
Sailor, 14" x 10.5" GMT 048.
Woman In Fur, 11.5" x 17.5" GMT 059. 1907 Signed As: G. Redmayne.
Woman In Fur, 11.5" x 17.5" GMT 059. 1907 Signed As: G. Redmayne.
Vivian Ross, 8" x 12", GMT 068. 1906, probably in Montreal, where Viv trained as a nurse at the Royal Victoria & Galdys was studying with Bremner.
Vivian Ross, 8" x 12", GMT 068. 1906, probably in Montreal, where Viv trained as a nurse at the Royal Victoria & Galdys was studying with Bremner.
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